Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Meet HomeBound

As a way of trying to introduce HomeBound to y'all, I'm planning to post 'bios' of our members. We are blessed to have several musicians and singers, so at times their could be as few as 4 and as many as 10 at an appearance. Some of us are fortunate enough to have retired from full time employment while others are still gainfully employed.

Since I'm the one who writes this blog and haven't had the opportunity to 'interview' anyone else, I'll begin with my 'autobio'.

My name is Steve Green. I was born in Springfield, Ohio but my roots must have grown further south. My love for music comes from my mother, who expertly played accordion. Playing 'rock and roll' in the sixties, gave me a good start and put me on stage at an early age. Today, I play (bass) in the contemporary worship band for our church. My musical heart is attuned to most any music, but especially to bluegrass, country, blues and jazz. For HomeBound, I play dobro and harmonica. At times, I may be seen playing the upright bass, guitar, mandolin or banjo. I can make a tune on the fiddle, but at this time I'm the only one who would know what tune it is. I was raised in the church but in my teens, fell away. I returned to my senses and God a little over 30 years ago. Since, I've been actively involved in one form of ministry or another. Since 1999, I've been writing daily devotions (Monday through Friday) for the internet and email (Pappaw's Thoughts). Married to Carol for 37 years, I'm blessed to have one son and six grandchildren. My hobbies include cooking, motorcycling, writing, fishing and gardening.